Prepare the Way of the Lord
Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries is an apostolic work of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ located on a 42-acre scenic property that has the Credit River flowing through it in the Caledon-Orangeville area. It is a Christian registered charity that was incorporated in 1992 and gained denominational status in 2003.
The name of the ministry is from the Scripture found in Genesis 22:14, where Abraham said, "Jehovah Jireh" meaning, "The LORD Will Provide." This passage shows that God's provision is a sacrifice to remove the sin of mankind. He provided the ram in the thicket which foreshadowed Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who died on the cross for our sin.
Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries' main objective is to preach, promote, and advance the spiritual teachings of the Christian faith by practicing observances, tenets, and doctrines associated with that faith as found in the Bible. It is committed to the development of organizations to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means, both at home and in foreign lands, including places of worship, and facilities providing opportunities for Christian growth and nurture. This means to support and maintain missions and missionaries and to establish and operate churches in various communities. It also means to purchase or prepare materials for teaching, evangelism, and spiritual encouragement, and to make these available to churches and communities.
Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries has been established in two main areas to begin fulfilling its objectives. One is through the home church located on the 42 scenic acre property purchased by JJCM in 1995. This home church is the door to ministry in the local community of Orangeville and Caledon. The second area is the establishment of a ministerial fellowship under the governing body of the Corporation that oversees and grants ordination credentials to Christian ministers who are in covenant relationship and who desire accountability and guidance in ministry. To know more about this area, please visit our Ministerial page.

It is our desire as an Apostolic Centre to lift up Jesus Christ and to minister to the whole body of Christ.
We have various ministries through which we serve people of all ages.
Links to other ministries we are in fellowship with


It is our desire as an Apostolic Centre to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ and to be a resting place for Holy Spirit where people are encouraged to enter into a deeper relationship with Him. This is done corporately through discipleship, preaching/teaching the Word of God, worship, prayer and intercession, the operation of the gifts of Holy Spirit such as tongues, prophecy, dreams & visions, and also by giving time for personal ministry. We believe that signs, wonders, and miracles follow the preaching of the Word. We also host gatherings in which we have local and international ministries come and share with us.

Jehovah Jireh Christian Fellowship is a nontraditional setting as its sanctuary is a converted century old barn. Renovations were made to the exterior side of the structure in order to keep the interior beam and walls in their original state. It is a very warm and pleasant atmosphere where the congregation comes together to worship and be nurtured in the presence and love of the Lord.
Flags hang in the sanctuary as a representation of the tremendous love and service given to mission work. JJCF is diverse in cultural backgrounds and race. We spiritually nurture all ages through various ministries. Due to the vision of our Senior Pastor, Dr. Carol McLean, there is emphasis placed on body ministry and for people to be active in giving out instead of just receiving. Because of this, many of the members of JJCM serve in some capacity for the Lord in the fellowship and in outside community work.

Our vision is to prepare the Way of the Lord’s return by equipping His people
to know the Father’s love, partake in their inheritance in Christ Jesus,
do the work of the Kingdom of God and make themselves ready as His Bride.

The vision given by the Lord to our founding Senior Pastor, Dr. Carol McLean, is to prepare and make ready His people for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church functions like a teaching/training center in which people are saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed, restored, and developed to maturity by the work of the Holy Spirit so that they fulfill their calling in Christ Jesus. The vision is to see the five-fold ministry gifts functioning as described in Eph. 4:11-13 and to help these men and women work together in love and unity. The purpose of this apostolic and prophetic ministry is to revive the body of Christ so that they are effective Christians in the church and out in the world as they love and serve God by ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dr. Carol McLean wants to see barriers broken between ministers of opposite gender resulting in spiritual equality, collective understanding and unity. She also wants to see cross-cultural barriers brought down and different ministries of varying ethnic groups coming together as one. The apostolic and prophetic mantle which she wears causes a burning passion to see revival, reformation and reconciliation in the body of Christ so that all Christians will remain in love with the Lord and grow in the work of the Kingdom of God, under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Carol & Ron McLean
The founder and Apostle to this work is Dr. Carol McLean and alongside her is her husband Ron. Dr. Carol and Ron have known the Lord since 1977. Dr. Carol had a powerful visitation from God which turned her life around and has brought her to where she is today. In a vision God showed her a place where a thriving church body of believers would be functioning and working to bring healing and restoration to God's children. From there she began to grow in her calling and ministry by doing personal counseling and heading up small study groups. In 1985, they sold everything to begin to enter full time ministry. They attended lay schooling and obtained credentials to go as missionaries to Zaire, formerly the Belgium Congo, today known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their two children, Ted, then eighteen, and daughter Jennifer, eleven, and also her mother, Doris Miller, worked there from 1986 to 1990. Upon their return, many former friends, counselees, and family got together to have a weekly Bible study. Some of these did not attend a local church and others were growing in such a way that together the Bible study grew into a fellowship. They celebrated their first service with a baptismal service in Aug. 1992 with twelve members. On November 4th, the same year, the fellowship was officially incorporated as Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries. In 1995, the fellowship bought a 42 scenic acre property just 3km south of the town of Orangeville on the west side of Highway 10.

Today, Dr. Carol McLean is seeing the fulfillment of the vision she had. They live on the property in the manse in which the church offices are also located. The original barn has been converted into the church facility. Today there is a growing congregation there reaching out in many different facets of ministry. The property serves for recreation for its members and for community groups. Dr. Carol, formally commissioned as the Apostle of the work, is moving out into new areas of ministry as the Lord guides. Ron serves in the ministry of helps, helping to maintain the property and buildings. The rest of the family members are helping in the work also. Ted is an Associate Pastor of Jehovah Jireh Christian Fellowship. Jennifer is also an Associate Pastor, Worship Leader and serves in Administration.

Pastor Ted & Amy McLean
Pastor Ted McLean is ordained with JJCM and serves as an associate pastor. He is also the President of Global Christian Ministry Forum Canada. He is a graduate of Elim Bible Institute and has his Bachelor of Theology from Canada Christian College. His desire is to see people come to know God’s Word in their lives, so that they may grow in the way of the Lord. Pastor Ted is involved in mission work and does itinerary trips to Nepal and Grenada. His wife, Amy, also serves on the worship team, serves as a Teacher/Supervisor at Jehovah Jireh Christian School. They have three children: Caleb, Joshua and Sarah.

Pastor Jennifer
& Thomas Leupolt
Pastor Jennifer Leupolt is ordained with JJCM. Pastor Jennifer manages the church office. She is also the Governing Official of the denomination and the Vice Principal/Administrator of Jehovah Jireh Christian School. She is the worship leader of JJCM's worship team. She has her Bachelor of Theology from Emmanuel Bible College. Her husband, Thomas, serves as Head Usher at JJCM and is the shuttle van driver. They have two children: Isaac and Isaiah.

Anita Stackhouse
Children's Ministry

Benjamin Pang
Prison Ministry

Germaine Matte
Administrative Assistant
& Media

The Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God.
There is one God eternally manifested in the person of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, in His vicarious and atoning sacrifice through His shed blood.
In His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and in His personal return in power and glory upon the earth.
Regeneration and conversion through faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful humanity.
Water baptism is not a saving ordinance but is essential in obedience to the Gospel and should be administered by immersion.
The gospel includes holiness of heart and life, healing of the body, and a definite personal experience with the Holy Spirit whereby the gifts of the Spirit become active in the life of the believer. This work of the Holy Spirit is for men, women, and children.
In the bodily resurrection of believers at the end time and the judgment of all mankind; the just unto eternal life and the unjust into eternal damnation.
In the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the full function of the five-fold ministry which was given to perfect and equip the saints so they can enter into the work of their ministry, thereby edifying the whole body of Christ.
Both men and women may be called to serve in church ministry without restriction due to gender. (Rom 16:1-15, Gal 3:26-28, Acts 2:17-18)
Marriage is a holy sacrament ordained by God as a union of one man and one woman in covenant relationship. (Gen 1:27-28, 2:23-24)